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Dae-jin Tech Corporation


 Dae-jin Tech corporation deals in various products for eco-friendly and clean toilet culture. Particularly, Machumi and Pee-spot, patented items of Dae-jin Tech, are realized by applying a theory of Nudge by the professor from Booth school of Business of the university of Chicago in the U.S. and the most influential doctor of economics, Richard H. Thaler, and has been completed through several tests. "Machumi" is… It helps house wives to get rid of a stressful work, cleaning a messed up toilet with urine. It is the new world’s first patent for loving wives and mothers to be free themselves from cleaning dirty toilets. "Pee-spot" is.. It is a suitable item for public toilets where many unspecified men visit. By simply sticking the product on a urinal, men concentrate on the target unconsciously, so control themselves from spilling urine, that they do not get the public toilet dirty. By studying constantly and developing new creative products, our company makes efforts to contribute to a cleaner toilet culture. Your encouragements and concerns will be a great assistance for us. 

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